Friday, November 20, 2009

Tuesday, November 10, 2009

Give the ol' fish eye

These are great. They come from which appears to be a Russian Photography contest.

Sunday, November 1, 2009

The 39 Steps--Brilliant!!

Cannot wait to see this in Portland this Spring!!! The book is incredible. I recommend it to any and everyone.

Tuesday, October 27, 2009

Take a look 'round

You spin me right round baby right round...I love this.

There are lots more here

The Writer's Truth

The act of putting pen to paper encourages pause for thought, this in turn makes us think more deeply about life, which helps us regain our equilibrium. ~Norbet Platt

Sunday, June 14, 2009

10 days of Missing my Wife: Day 9


It's so exciting that I get to see you that I am not sure what to say. Your graduation is happening shortly and I won't be there because I am a jerk like that. It is very sad to me that I am missing such an important occasion.

On the other hand--I don't actually have another hand to speak of. At least I will see you for a day. That will make me very happy.

Well...I love you and that is that.

Thursday, June 11, 2009

10 days of Missing my Wife: Day 7

Things my wife and I do together:

- walk the dog (not always frequently)
- paint the house (why is there always so much more of this to do?)
- eat
- weed the yard (Nelita is on a gardening kick; it's awesome)
- Babysit for the Hartmans (for some reason I always include myself in the babysitting)
- watch shows on hulu
- eat food
- "discuss" each other's unique habits (this really means fight, shhhhhh, it's a secret)
- actually discuss really cool intellectual things (Nelita is a genius)
- read
- cuddle (I like this one, but for a limited amount of time)
- talk on the phone (often we are poling to solve a debate)
- talk on the phone (that's right, we do it a lot)
- take road trips (Nelita is fun as long as she is well fed)
- cook (I am not the head chef, let's just put it that way)
- eat what we cook
- say "I love you"
- go to sleep

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

10 days of Missing my Wife: Day 6

Dear Nelita:

I wish I was with you.

I can vividly recall what you must be doing right now. I know you have just gotten out of the shower. Your hair is damp and you are blow-drying it in the mirror.

Sammy is laying at the bathroom door, his head resting on his paws as he watches you. All he wants is a good scratch.

You're going into our bedroom and standing at the dresser, picking out what you will wear to sleep in. Perhaps you will choose one of my shirts.

As you are getting ready to crawl in to the bed, you see a paint chip peeling on the wall and you must pull it, which pulls off the skim coat and leaves a gaping hole which you know I would scold you over, so you make the cute little "sorry, I had to do it" face.

You crawl between the sheets, read for a while, and I hope talk to me on the phone. I am excited to talk to you. I love you.


David Crawford

10 days of Missing my Wife: Day 5

Click here first.

Of all the things that I want to do with my wife right now, the most surprising is something that I don't often do anyway: I want to dance.

Nelita, you are so much fun to dance with even though you hate the way I lead. Watching you dance is not just watching something beautiful, it is watching someone have fun. You know how to have fun like no one I have ever known.

May I have this dance?

Monday, June 8, 2009

10 days of Missing my Wife: Day 4

I hate talking on the phone-- You have no idea how much--

At this very moment I am talking to my beautiful wife--

It is lifting my spirits-- I could talk to her forever-- Or at least try--

I could listen to her say that she loves me over and over again--

She makes my stupid, earache causing phone my best friend because it is her on the other end--

That last line rhymed unintentionally--

I can't wait to see her again and just snuggle for awhile--

Nelita--I am desperately in love with you my wife--

Sunday, June 7, 2009

10 days of Missing my Wife: Day 3

Things I miss about my wife:
- She tries to open her eyes in the morning but they just won't, so she talks to me with severely raised eyebrows.
- She fills the entire bed with her limbs as soon as I leave the bed in the morning so I can't come back.
- She calls instructions to me from the bathroom.
- She ignores me when I call instructions back.
- She has new sexy bangs.
- She is stoked about gardening.
- She takes the dog on a walk with me.
- She hugs me.
- She kisses me.
- She is just so darn funny without meaning to be.
- She can find everything a kid does adorable.
- She can find everything our dog does adorable.
- She gets excited about every vegan recipe that looks good.
- She makes me feel really important.
- She doesn't let me get a big head.
- She is an incredible editor.
- She is brilliant.
- She is gorgeous
- She is mine.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

10 days of Missing my Wife: Day 2

I never thought that having a wife would make me the guy who misses his wife. It falls into that category of "I'll never get food poisoning by eating at this unlicensed mexican fast food restaurant where I find a hair in my food and cats are whining out back." I know that sounds weird, but that is having a wife and in that metaphor...I have food poisoning.

Seriously though, it never occurs to me that having ice cold toes running up and down my calves would actually help me fall asleep at night. It never occurs to me that having this person roll toward me until my one leg spends most of the night hanging off the side of the bed, would actually be comforting. I am on the verge of missing morning breath (though you shouldn't quote me on that).

I am a huge fan of my wife. I miss her.

Friday, June 5, 2009

10 days of Missing my Wife: Day 1

If I take good memories
and put them side by side
by each other as though
rows of memories are stronger
than one all by itself, I feel
like I am acting in a play,
and my wife is there,
and she is wearing green
that makes her eyes sparkle,
and all the memories
that matter at this moment
have her eyes in them.
Those beautiful eyes look
at me
and honestly they are all
I can see.

Friday, April 17, 2009

Barry Lyndon

I watched the Stanley Kubrick's film "Barry Lyndon" today. Netflix says "This gorgeously painted, slow-moving portrait of a young Irishman" which is a pretty good way of explaining it. It is a beautiful film to look at but you have to really spend time looking for subtext to really enjoy it.

It actually seems very close to elements of "2001:A Space Odyssey" in speed and visual stimulation.

One review put it interestingly. They said that it was a film that made the characters seem alien unlike many period films in which the characters have contemporary sensibilities.

I have to say, it felt a little like watching molasses run at times. But it was the end that surprised me. A sort of alienation, as though watching the family of the astronaut at the end of 2001:A Space Odyssey. And a revealing that all the work has been for...(I won't reveal it)...(yes I will)...for nothing.

I would recommend it unless you are a real film buff looking for a stoically faced Ryan O'Neal to pretend there is subtext to the look: I would call it a "blank canvas" look that the audience gets to paint on. A strength...maybe...maybe not.

It is available on Netflix instant, so you don't have to really pay for it.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Just try to imagine it

“This photo was taken by photographer Jack Bradley and depicts the exact moment this boy, Harold Whittles, hears for the very first time ever. The doctor treating him has just placed an earpiece in his left ear. Date unknown. “

Can you even imagine what this must be like. I bet it's a lot like popsicles...I do love popsicles.

Sunday, April 5, 2009

Education and Distraction

It appears a new quarter has begun...students, I promise I knew that so don't look at my teaching this week. Your syllabi are the epitome of high-quality-third-quarter-university- literature (They may be anthologizing these soon).

If anyone needs any distractions I suggest dog-longboarding. It really gets going at times (beware of dog paws). I just about ate it off a curb and just started running like a maniac so I wouldn't take a bite of the sidewalk. I looked awesome.

A small note before you begin dog-longboarding though; don't feed your dog any new foods, staying behind him won't be worth the experience.


Thursday, March 12, 2009

Writing Maniac-ismo

I am writing my head off. William Rabkin, if you are reading this, I...I have nothing to say for myself (which seems to be the problem with my screenplay).

Honestly though, my wife has decided I need to get out of the house and go away to write. I am not exactly sure where to go because when you are stuck between "John: Hi" and "Susan: What do you want?" there is no where in the world that can actually tell you what comes next.

Perhaps watching a few episodes of canceled television online will help (that is the usual remedy). I recommend this one:

Might I suggest episode 14 (the white people wear brown paint and talk funny).

Friday, February 20, 2009


Nelita was supposed to post after me on the last one so I didn't look like such a jerk. Nonetheless, I am posting again.

We have moved little tiny things like glass jars and whisps of grass, but we still have things like beds, couches and water buffalo. Perhaps, and by perhaps I mean this is an absolute must or may we get raging salmonella, we will move next week when there is a porcelain throne installed in our home.

Do please wish us luck.

Sunday, January 11, 2009

The Move...Step 1


So it appears when we move all our books, our house is still packed. I assumed that since our books are our prize possessions and by far our heaviest entity, that it would make a dent. Instead there are still 14 boxes (number of boxes is an estimate, though it appears you can get a form online that will estimate how much stuff you have to move) of little oddly shaped things to pack in, up and out...all locational directions.

I put all the boxes in the truck with the intent of unloading them 2 miles away at our new house...It appears this makes me cheap. Nelita thinks I should buy entirely new boxes instead of unloading the other ones and using them again. IT'S NOT CHEAP...IT'S EFFICIENT. Do you want to wear clothes wife? or perhaps just a nice cardboard box.

Saturday, January 10, 2009


My clever and beautiful wife created a new word. The word is speediocre or speediocrity. I am going to suggest that everyone should use this word now because it is the most speciously descriptive thing I have heard in a long time.

Right now I am working on my masters and (unbeknownst to my professors of course) some (many) ((most)) of my assignments are speediocre. Luckily that is no longer a problem because now I have a word to describe it.