Saturday, June 6, 2009

10 days of Missing my Wife: Day 2

I never thought that having a wife would make me the guy who misses his wife. It falls into that category of "I'll never get food poisoning by eating at this unlicensed mexican fast food restaurant where I find a hair in my food and cats are whining out back." I know that sounds weird, but that is having a wife and in that metaphor...I have food poisoning.

Seriously though, it never occurs to me that having ice cold toes running up and down my calves would actually help me fall asleep at night. It never occurs to me that having this person roll toward me until my one leg spends most of the night hanging off the side of the bed, would actually be comforting. I am on the verge of missing morning breath (though you shouldn't quote me on that).

I am a huge fan of my wife. I miss her.

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