Sunday, March 4, 2012

On another note...

I've pretty much been posting about our favorite thing these days (Oliver).  However, last night we had this magical strawberry cream pie, and I had to share...

Working Men

Oliver and I stopped by Daddy's work the other day so David could get reservations done for the Festival of the One-Acts.  I think Oliver is going to be a fan of all the cool things Dad gets to do at work!

The cuteness continues

 Tummy time with mama
 Thank you cousin Kalon for my sports gear!
On my way to church...

Duck, Duck, Moose

Jess' mom, Lorraine, bought these cute matching Alaska onesies and socks for the boys last Christmas.  Oliver finally grew into his onesie while Ezekiel is rapidly growing out of his!  We managed to get some pictures right before the opportunity passed...

Walka Walka

My boy and me

Saturday, March 3, 2012


Oliver had a bath the other day at Robb and Jess'--we had to get a picture of the boys in their diapers!

Aunty Jumbles

I've (Nelita) known Aunty Jena for 10 years now.  Oliver is also now a huge fan of her!

On the Pier

 One day Oliver will love boats and such things as much as his dad!

Chris, Nicole, and Baby Grey

 Chris and his boy, Greyson...
 Adorable family!
 Crazy to think that just a few years ago Dave and Chris were in their college dorm rooms playing video games for hours.  Now, they play video games for minutes in between diaper changes!!
 Oliver and Greyson--just delighted to see each other!


 Oliver decided to have a poop explosion on his cousin J...we will probably bring this memory up at some point during his adulthood!
 Oliver soaked up TONS of love from his cousins!
 We thought "plaid" was appropriate for Seattle...
 one last goodbye!!
We had to get a picture with Oliver's favorite book!

3 months etc.


Apparently after 3 months, babies are no longer newborns, they are technically infants.  Our boy is growing so fast!  


February 13, 2012
Oliver surprised himself (and mommy) by rolling over today!  Jess and Ezekiel were visiting and Oliver decided he was sick of tummy time.  David came home later hoping to see a repeat performance...we had no such luck!  


Adam and Holly

It is incredibly fun to watch Oliver charm our friends when they first meet him...Adam and Holly were no exception.  They spent some time this summer helping us brainstorm baby names, needless to say we did not end up naming our boy Clem.  


One of the first things we noticed when Oliver was born was that he had a crooked ear just like his daddy!
 Junior crooked ear
Senior crooked ear

Aidan and Mica

Oliver hanging out with some of his buds!