Thursday, June 11, 2009

10 days of Missing my Wife: Day 7

Things my wife and I do together:

- walk the dog (not always frequently)
- paint the house (why is there always so much more of this to do?)
- eat
- weed the yard (Nelita is on a gardening kick; it's awesome)
- Babysit for the Hartmans (for some reason I always include myself in the babysitting)
- watch shows on hulu
- eat food
- "discuss" each other's unique habits (this really means fight, shhhhhh, it's a secret)
- actually discuss really cool intellectual things (Nelita is a genius)
- read
- cuddle (I like this one, but for a limited amount of time)
- talk on the phone (often we are poling to solve a debate)
- talk on the phone (that's right, we do it a lot)
- take road trips (Nelita is fun as long as she is well fed)
- cook (I am not the head chef, let's just put it that way)
- eat what we cook
- say "I love you"
- go to sleep

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