Sunday, November 13, 2011

Salted Caramel Chocolate Cake

I've been bored.  Really bored.  Amma is taking care of most house tasks, David is working, I'm gestating.  I needed a complicated project.  I decided it had to be in the kitchen.  I talked Jess into making a salted caramel chocolate cake with me and I had my complicated project.  This cake took 2 days to make.  Jess worked on the caramel (the hardest part of this whole project).  Unfortunately, the caramel nearly smoked Jess, Robb, and Ezekiel out of house and home.  Jess and Robb attempted the caramel once again the next day and I must say that the caramel was by far my favorite part!  I worked on the batter and icing--and the next day we took about 2 hours total to assemble the whole deal.  As always we had a good group of friends willing to partake and I think after writing this post, I might have to go eat the last piece of cake!  


Min said...

Wow! That cake looks amazing. Now my sweet tooth has really kicked up.

thebluemuse, phd said...

Your boredom looks delicious!! What a cake!