Thursday, November 3, 2011

Cream Puffs and Craft Night

Jess makes the best Cream Puffs this side of...well, the WORLD!  I was having some serious cream puff cravings, but was way too lazy for the whole process.  So I made cheater cream puffs.  Puff pastry filled with cream and topped with chocolate...

Check out Jess' cream puff's HERE.

After the cream puff indulgence we had a gang of people over for Craft Night.  YES, this is what we do in Walla Walla, WA on a Saturday Night...leave us rocks!  We couldn't think of a craft, so the boys were back to tying flys for Fly-fishing.  And the rest of us helped Lydia and her friends with their Barn Party costumes...SALT, PEPPER, and CUMIN!! By the rest of us I mostly mean Cheris and my mom!  
 Boys and their flys...
Ezekiel snuggled up to Andi and ate some pomegranates while her costume was being made.
The final product!

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