Monday, February 6, 2012


Golden Birthday:
Main Entry:   golden birthday
Part of Speech:   n
Definition:   a person's birthday when they turn the age oftheir birth date
Example:   It was my golden birthday when I turned 25 onthe 25th or when I turned 54, since I was bornin 1954.

David has NEVER been able to surprise me with anything.  So this year, for my Golden B (The BIG 30 on January 30th) he outdid himself with surprise after surprise!  Starting with:

Friday (January 27th), here I am getting ready for work.  NOOO idea that Alu and Nilu were going to walk in and surprise me!

Saturday (January 28th), here I am stuffing my face with breakfast.  NOOO idea that Ranj was going to walk in and surprise me!

Best.  Surprise.  Ever.


kimjena said...

love love it...wish i could have been there. the faces you made were priceless!

Unknown said...

twas a great surprise:)