Monday, April 9, 2012

Papa and Grandma!

David's Parents were in town for the weekend.  Oliver spent a lot of time getting all kinds of love in a few short days.  He was a bit fussy today--I'm sure it had something to do with missing his Grandma and Papa.

 Spending some time with Patsy (family friend)
 Hanging out with Grandpa and Great-Grandma Mabel (Patsy's mother).  G-Gma Mabel will be 99 this month.  Doesn't she make 99 look classy!
Grandma's Birthday is in April also.  We made her a special strawberry pie!
Monkeying around with Grandma

 A little tummy time with Grandpa
Oliver can't get enough of Sammy.  He just squeals and giggles every time he sees his buddy Sammy!

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