According to Appa, this IBM XT "something or other," (I'm guessing it was the IBM XT 286--since I'm sure my parents bought the latest technology..hahaha) was purchased in 1986--my internet search produced this picture...looks vaguely familiar to me.
Amma would type things...dissertations, letters, other documents (I think this was what she did). Anyways, it barely dents my memory, the computer, the typing, everything about it. It's weird to think about life back then. We had a phone with a cord and a computer that did not affect our playtime outside or inside for that matter. I think, as far as technology goes, the only thing that really made any kind of impact was watching Popeye, the Sailor Man (so 1 hour a day...maybe?)
There were no cellphones, pagers, cordless phones, iPads, mp3 players etc. that I was aware of. I miss that life sometimes. Don't get me wrong, you can catch me on my computer several times a day now. But, I romanticize the possibility of life without any of that technology. Yes, I KNOW, I could choose to not have it in my life. But having that choice is different than a world where I do NOT have that choice..does that make sense? And yes, I concede, I was only 4 years old. But think of a 4-year old today, their world is a drastically different place. It's mind-blowing to think that so many things changed so greatly in my lifetime!!!
It just gets me thinking with our little boy on the way and all. What is going to drastically change in his lifetime? What is this world going to be like for him?