Tuesday, October 25, 2011

These are my doors

My sister, Nilmini, is on an adventure with my Aunt Rosette...in Nepal!
Check out her blog:

Thursday, October 20, 2011

Baby Bump

 Jessica took on the arduous task of taking baby bump pictures for us.  I love this picture of her in action.  Let me also add that I (Nelita) am a horrible subject, I make silly faces and goof around...she managed to get some pretty good ones!
 Daddy, Oliver and Mama


Our little family


David's favorite thing about fall is the package he gets in the mail from Paati (my grandmother).  This package has some sweet, juicy pomegranates that he powers through quickly...

Birthday Boy

The Big "32!"  
 I have to give a HUGE shout-out to Robb and Correy, they were personal shoppers and party organizers for this whole shindig...AND they woke up at 5:30 am the next day for a man fishing-trip!

 Our Walla Walla buddies:  Hartmans (made awesome crepes!), Currents (hosted and made an awesome frittata and some potatoes!), and Coffees (appropriately made coffee cake!).
 It's amazing how little feathery things can make grown-men so excited!
 Tater Tot getting some love from Aidan and Mica...he thought that box was for him.
 New fishing rod!  Such glee!
The kidlings with Tater Tot...I hate cats, but I kinda sort like this one, because he acts like a dog...and does silly things--like putting himself in baskets.

Bathroom Shelves

 I've been bugging David to put some floating shelves in the bathroom.  I looked everywhere online for some cool wood shelves and the cheapest (that met my standards) started at around $250.00.  Anyways, that was clearly out of the question, so we stopped by Jensen's Hardwood and bought some black walnut.  David sanded and lacquered the shelves (we wanted more organic lines so we left the chips and cracks alone),  Correy and David made some magic happen and now we have beautiful bathroom shelves!

Pumpkin Time

We grew this people!!  No thanks to our green thumbs.  The pumpkin plant sprawled about 10 feet across the side of the yard and produced this ONE gigantic pumpkin.

David and the Giant Tomato

Our tomato plants are producing some behemoths.

Ryan and Judelle

Hello all, it's been forever since I've posted.  Lots of updates... Anyways, we were SOOO excited when Ryan and Judelle Johnson landed in Tri-Cities Airport.  Ryan was in my 7th grade religion class in Pohnpei.  Judelle was in 6th grade.  They were our neighbors in Pohnpei and their parents fed us every chance they got!  Even cooler their dad grew up with my mom in Sri Lanka.  They've been like family to us and it's been great having them around.  Here's a shot with a big student missionary welcoming party!