This post is a little late. But, that's how we roll...
Anyways, July 31, 2011, David and I celebrated our 6th wedding anniversary. The traditional gift for this anniversary is "iron." We followed that quite loosely this year! I always said that after 5 we wouldn't call ourselves newlyweds anymore. Eek, that makes me feel old.
We've seen lots of ups and downs, but we've seen them through together. Here's some quick snapshots over the years...
Wedding reception in California--August 2005
2005-2006: Hiking in Pohnpei our first year of marriage. (Somebody FEED us!!)
2006-2007: Our second year of marriage was a fun year of life in Seattle, WA.
2007-2008: David starts officially wearing a tie our third year of marriage, also his first year as Director of Drama in Walla Walla, WA.
Also 2007-2008: Sammy officially joins the family!
2008-2009: 4th year of marriage finds Nel graduating with her Masters in Teaching and David starting a Masters in Fine Arts at UCR...CRAZY, busy year!
2009-2010: 5th year of marriage we celebrate David's 30th birthday. He also graduates with an MFA in Poetry and Screenwriting.
Also 2009-2010: We experience our greatest joy finding out we're pregnant with our baby girl Nisha, and also experience our greatest heartbreak when she is stillborn. Despite our sadness we find ourselves blessed with amazing family and friends that surround us with love and support. This picture was taken 4 months after we lost Nisha. We had a relaxing time in Alaska adventuring around with the mom and dad Crawford.
2010-2011: We've done a lot of growing up over the past 6 years--though there are still few signs of maturity to be seen...hehehe. This picture was taken at the WWU graduation. David is in his graduation gear as a faculty member. Year six finds us expecting another little one. So far his name is BBC (Baby Boy Crawford). Although we are very open to any suggestions you may have... Here's to 6 years together and many more to come!